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Forget the part of planning and resource of ERP; keep the most interesting part “Enterprise” of it on your mind. ERP provides collective data sharing of different departments by grouping all parts of an enterprise under a computer system.

Thanks to the shared data system, all ofthe necessary informationis put into service of institution employees in a database. On general systems, each department works with computer systems in accordance with their own workflow. ERP combines the differences with integrated software in such a way that operates by using one database, and it provides most departments, which have different operational features and needs, an opportunity to easily share information by being in touch with each other.

If the integrated structure approach is successfully set and applied in the enterprise, it will make the enterprise gain positive feedbacks in the following time.

For example, let’s examine a customer order. A general order evaluation is found among departments as in written out, and mostly among communication problems of interdepartmental computers with each other. All these interdepartmental shuttling can cause to delays and lose the order in addition to different document formats’ errors during the data transmission between computers. In the troubled system, no one clearly knows about the situation of the order in the enterprise, for example; the financial department mostly doesn’t get clear information from the data repository about if the order is loaded or not. The answer which disappointed customers generally hear is “You should call the store.”


Thank to ERP, old type computers systems which separately operate have been a history, only one integrated computer software separate all the operations such as finance, human resources, production and store into different modules and integrate the systems which independently operated in the past into each other. Departments of finance, production and store use their own software system; the difference is that the new software is integrated into each other. Therefore, a person from finance department can reach data of the store and see if the order is loaded or not. Most ERP software can be set in a flexible modular structure. Therefore, you don’t have to buy the whole software package. For example; most of the companies get only the module of finance or human resources of ERP and then they get the other modules in another time when they need.

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