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There are important sanctions and criteria at Google Search Engine. These criteria should be fulfilled on the website of your company. Otherwise, it is possible to be blacklisted by Google for the minor mistakes and copies. The possibility of being in blacklist until your company changes the name of the website can damage your reputation.

In the article, you can find detailed explanations about every part of SEO. It is unlikely possible to totallyunderstand SEO rules in a short time. However, because it is technically and theoretically not possible to get every website to see at the top and first pages, SEO experience is necessary at that point. That’s why firstly SEO research should be done and then the techniques of successful web pages should be followed at a certain level.


Introduction to SEO

One of the most important points which we should be careful in the first steps of SEO is that the web page which we get done should have a neat and systematic code structure. Otherwise, web browsers (Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Yandex) regard the websites poorly and complex written as insecure.

Another point is to have much more content and estimate the proportion of the content to the size of codes on the website. The more content on the website is, the more security and solid infrastructure of the website is. Therefore, web browsers start to consider making the website place at the top of it.

Create pages drawing your customers’ attention!


The more daily visitors your website has and the more time and pages the visitors tour the site; the more secure the web browsers regard your website and then they add it in the list of their favorite websites. Except the techniques, there are a lot of special strategies and techniques. Finally, the most important point of SEO is not only to make SEO research, but also to protect your top location on the website by constantly updating the research. We would like you to have a good and profitable day. We are glad that you have read the article with patience. 

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