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Imagine that you have a company and have an all-purpose accounting program. You would like that these two systems are working in the integrated way. How? Let me explain: If your website is a website having an e-commerce structure and you want to check sales made on your website in the accounting program, theweb software steps in. The web software which will specially design for you presents you your sales, customers and their detailed information on the internet without a need of archiving on your PC. It is a high level technology, called as the cloud technology, which you can reach wherever you are on the internet without needing archiving. Advantages of the cloud technology are countless. In that, there is a limit for what you can do with a normal accounting program. Maybe, your accounting program provides all services; however, it never provides you an opportunity to check your documents which are the far end of the world. That’s why the cloud technology which is the leader of technologic moves and most probably preferred in the new age is used. Let’s say that you have web software and let’s move to provide your services.

adana web yazılımı


If we consider that you have made web software, called as CRM software, which is lightening your works, it is possible that you use your customers’ information, sales situations, reports, warranty management and so on. CRM software is web software specially designed. It is totally designed in accordance with your working situation. Besides, it is possible to make a web software design even for the product you make sale when you make an investment as financial. In that way, managing your company with a system which knows your product certainly makes your company progress. For stating some crucial reasons, if there is special web software for your company, even if all computers break down in your company, your information is never damaged. That’s why the web software has this advantage. Even, let’s make more disaster scenarios. Imagine that there is flood at your company and all electricity structure is broken down. Even in such a case, because your customers’ information is archived in the web software thanks to the cloud technology, you can still have knowledge about your customers and their purchased product and keep in touch with them.  If you are curious about how we know its advantages, we as a company have created a special web software and CRM software. That’s why no situation affects us. Whenever you wish, you can reach customer information on your mobile phone. Assume that you are ona business trip and at that moment you need one of your customers’telephone number. At the same time, you are about to arrive in the company of your customer. What do you do? You do call your office and ask the phone number. Until now, everything is very normal. At the exact moment, your employee or workmate tells you that all computers are broken down. In that situation, you should know that whatever you do, nothing helps you. 



Whereas, if you use web software, you can find your customer’s number and get back to your road even without a need of calling your company. Even for preventing this kind of situation, having web software with the cloud technology in your company will be a good decision. We have mentioned about web software; so what will we see when we enter into the spirit of it? CRMsoftware, infact, is a kind of web software. Another name of it is customer relationship management. So, what is this web software which is best for companies? The most important feature of the CRM web software is managing the relationship with all your customers as we mentioned. The good part of it is that you can send your campaigns as an email to your customers if you wish. With mastery web software which provides all opportunities, companies can see themselves in a step further. 



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